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affordable lice treatment okc

Think it's too expensive?  Let's do the math...


•Over the counter pesticide per person (x2): $48.00


•2nd treatment for over the counter pesticide per person: $48.00


•Treatment for the rest of the family (just in case) $80


•Prescription from a qualified doctor per person: around $150.00


•Cleaning Products $30


•Extra cost in electricity and water from excessive laundering $100


•Shampoo & Conditioner to help repair hair & scalp from pesticide: $16.00


•Beauty Tools replaced: $40


•Missed work (3 days at $15/hr) $360


That's  a total of $872!!! Not including...


•Countless Hours of searching & combing


•Itching & Irritation from pesticide & prescription;


•Anxiety, Stress or Lack of sleep


•And you STILL have the lice problem


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